The results speak for themselves! 

Growing up our patient was a competitive boxer, this resulted in a lot of injuries unfortunately causing some of his teeth to become broken & chipped. 

He came to Berwick Dental Studio looking to completely change his smile & regain the confidence & function he once had.
We were able to fulfil his wishes and complete this life changing transformation using a mixture of crowns & bridges. The great thing about bridges is that they will not only replace any missing teeth but they will also strengthen the adjacent ones. 

Our patient whitened the rest of his teeth using our @pola_smile at home whitening kit. A great investment as he will forever be able to whiten up his teeth in the comfort of his own home whenever he wishes! 

Sounds like something you’re interested in? Contact us today & let us find you an appointment! 

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#porcelaincrowns #crowns #veneers #whitening #teethwhitening #prevention #whiteteeth #straightteeth
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