This patient came to us with his main concern being his missing front tooth. He also knew that the previous dental work he had done elsewhere was slowly breaking down, causing eating to become difficult. 

With a mixture of crowns and bridges not only was Dr Tony able to restore his front tooth, by using bridges he was able to replace & restore the missing back teeth allowing him to gain function again! 

Now our patient can enjoy his favourite food trouble free & continue to show off that amazing smile! 

Want to get your transformation started? 

Get in contact with us:

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#porcelaincrowns #crowns #veneers #whitening #teethwhitening #bridge #whiteteeth #straightteeth
#smile #smiles #smiletransformation #transformation #smilemakeover #beforeandafter #smileagain #confidence #hollywoodsmile #perfectsmile #makeover #digitalsmiledesign #berwickdentist #berwick