Dream Smile – Implants, veneers, whitening, crowns and fillings

Congratulations Joanna on finishing your dental journey with us!
Joanna has had just about anything dental to create her dream smile. Implants, veneers, whitening, crowns and fillings. You name it!
Joannas daughter is a dental technician so choosing us to take care of her was an absolute honour! ☺️
Your new smile looks so beautiful and we were so happy to work with you.
Get in contact with us:
☎️ (03) 9002 4060
1/12 Langmore Lane Berwick, 3806

Invisalign 2 porcelain veneers & Whitening

Another incredible smile transformation ticked off here at Berwick Dental Studio!
This patient had crooked front teeth with a traumatic bite, leading to the 2 upper front teeth wearing down unevenly. One being much shorter than the other as shown. ☹️
Thanks to Invisalign and Dr. Chu this smile was straightened to fix the bite. We then whitened the teeth to the top the look off with 2 porcelain veneers to restore the front teeth to ideal proportion!
How awesome does the transformation look!
Get in contact with us:
☎️ (03) 9002 4060
1/12 Langmore Lane Berwick, 3806

Will POLA Teeth Whitening Ruin my Teeth?

The simple answer is NO!
Clinical studies have shown that teeth whitening with carbamide or hydrogen peroxide is safe if performed by a professional dentist.
It is normal to experience sensitivity from whitening your teeth. However this is short term and will subside quickly and does not lead to tooth or gums problems.
Swipe to read some advantages with whitening!
At Berwick Dental studio we offer both take home and in chair whitening! If you are interested in whiter teeth, we are happy to help!
Get in contact with us:
☎️ (03) 9002 4060
1/12 Langmore Lane Berwick, 3806

4 Porcelain Veneers Across the Front 4 Teeth

Unveiling a new smile, one veneer at a time! ✨ Say hello to a brighter, whiter more even smile!
This patient was mainly dissatisfied with the unevenness of her front teeth. Dr. Chu placed 4 porcelain veneers across the front 4 teeth to immediately improve unevenness, colour and size!
Whitening was also involved in the process of making the smile as awesome as we could!
Satisfied is an understatement.
Get in contact with us:
☎️ (03) 9002 4060
1/12 Langmore Lane Berwick, 3806

A Wider and More Even Smile!

Ending your week with this masterpiece on your feed ;))
This patient wanted a wider and more even smile.
With the help of Invisalign his bite became even making his smile wider to the eye.
His 2 front teeth were slightly longer than the adjacent teeth. We went with the option of 4 front teeth veneers to create a proportioned
You can’t even tell the difference between the veneers and natural teeth.
A now bright, even, perfect smile.
Get in contact with us:
☎️ (03) 9002 4060
1/12 Langmore Lane Berwick, 3806

The Power of a smile Transformation.

This lady’s transformation has completely changed the way she smiles.
Say bye bye to a gummy smile, staining, extensively & uneven filled front teeth and HELLOOOO to 8 porcelain veneers to illuminate her insecurities and brighten everything up!
She was after a full revamp and fresh new smile and Dr. Tony and the team were able to give her that! How incredible does it look.
Get in contact with us:
☎️ (03) 9002 4060
1/12 Langmore Lane Berwick, 3806

A case that involved 1 implant, 4 veneers and all hands on deck! ✨

This patient had a baby tooth that didn’t want to let go of him.
Once the baby tooth was removed we were dealing with a tricky case and not a whole lot of space.
Dr. Chu, Dr. Tony, Dr. Poli & our amazing lab tech from Melbourne combined skills and worked as a team to pull off these results.
Dr. Jen finished off the look by cementing 4 front teeth with shiny, white porcelain veneers.
Swipe to see how we started out.. ➡️
P.s Book in this coming open day so we can start planning your case!
Get in contact with us:
☎️ (03) 9002 4060
1/12 Langmore Lane Berwick, 3806

Gaps in his front teeth.

The main concern this patient had was those gaps in his front teeth.
After thorough assessment, we found his existing teeth didn’t even need veneers!
Invisalign worked its magic, yet again and in only 18 months the team produced these amazing results.
Any gaps you want closing? Start your Invisalign journey with us today!
Get in contact with us:
☎️ (03) 9002 4060
1/12 Langmore Lane Berwick, 3806

Berwick Dental Studio we offer TWO types of whitening! ✌

Here at the Berwick Dental Studio we offer TWO types of whitening! ✌
Take home whitening is exactly how it sounds, we give you a whitening kit to take home with instructions so you can do it all yourself!
Take home is great for people with sensitive teeth. Experiencing some sensitivity? Try whitening every second day instead!
You’ll only need to buy new whitening gel a few times a year to keep that pearly smile all year long, a great investment! ✨
In-chair is great for busy people who don’t have time to commit to the whitening process every day! ⏰
Last minute event & wanna whiten up that smile? In-chair is the whitening solution for you!
Get that Hollywood smile started now!
Get in contact with us:
☎️ (03) 9002 4060
1/12 Langmore Lane Berwick, 3806