School holidays is officially here! 🥳🥳

Which means it’s the perfect time to book your children in for their 6 monthly check up & clean. 🦷
Time for the kids to lay back & watch their favourite show during their appointment. 😎
If they’re lucky they may even get a prize! 🤩
Our Oral Health Therapists Miss Angel & Miss Sahar will be keeping very busy these school holidays so make sure to contact us quickly for an appointment to avoid disappointment! ⏰
Get in contact with us:👇🏻
☎️ (03) 9002 4060
📍 1/12 Langmore Lane Berwick, 3806

Does your child’s teeth look like this?

Does your child’s teeth look like this?
This is called a cross bite! Crossbites are commonly caused by a narrow upper jaw.
Severely narrow upper jaw not only leads to overcrowding, teeth and joint damage over time; it can also impacts mood and learning!
Having helped many kids with these concerns, we know the best window to treat this problem is around 10-12 years of age. Once the opportunity is gone, correction generally involves teeth removal or even surgery!
If your child has similar looking teeth or other concerns, we still have a few spots left this school holiday.
Get in contact with us for customised advice! 👇🏻
☎️ (03) 9002 4060
📍 1/12 Langmore Lane Berwick, 3806

Smiling is definitely one of the best beauty remedies. If you have a good sense of humour and a good approach to life, that’s beautiful.

Rashida Jones

Name something better then Invisalign…we’ll wait! 🙈

This patient came to us concerned about her crooked teeth. She also disliked that her top teeth covered a lot of her bottom teeth when she smiled.
By using the amazing technology of Invisalign we were able to align her teeth & correct the deep bite. This allowed for more of her teeth to be seen in her smile! 👏🏼👏🏼
Not only does the end result look great but this patient will now have an easier time keeping her teeth clean! 🙌🏼
Wanting to change something about your smile? What are you waiting for! 👀
Book your FREE Invisalign consult today! 🎉
Get in contact with us:👇🏻
☎️ (03) 9002 4060
📍 1/12 Langmore Lane Berwick, 3806

We Offer Sleep Dentistry

Imagine if you could just go to sleep and wake up with all your overdue dental work done…
at Berwick Dental Studio you can!! 🙌🏼
Here at the studio we offer sleep dentistry for those who struggle with dental phobia or dental anxiety. 😴
With almost 30 years of expertise in sedation, Dr Jeff is here to ensure your experience is stress free and seamless from start to finish. 🦸🏽‍♂️🦷
Concerned sleep dentistry might be out of your budget? We offer payment plans so everyone has access to a comfortable dental experience. 💙
Get in contact with us today to learn more about sleep dentistry & our payment plan options! 🤩
Get in contact with us:👇🏻
☎️ (03) 9002 4060
📍 1/12 Langmore Lane Berwick, 3806

Smile Makeover Assessment

3…2…1 CHEESE! 😁😆
Here at Berwick Dental Studio one of the first things we do for all new patients is take a set of teeth photos! 📸🦷
We do this so it’s easy for us to show our patients exactly what our eyes can see & makes it simple to explain everything. ☝🏽
Photos are also a great way of keeping record of your teeth so we can note changes overtime & physically compare before & afters! 👀
If you’ve ever undergone cosmetic work here at the studio you’ll know just how much we love to show our patients their progress overtime, who doesn’t love a good transformation! 🤩
Contact us today so you can start your transformation & before you know it have your own amazing before & after pictures! 😉


This patient was self conscious about her crooked teeth & open bite.
By using the power of Invisalign Dr Tony was able to correct the alignment & close the gap, achieving our patients goals about her dream smile! 😍
Wanting to change something about your smile? What are you waiting for!
Book your FREE Invisalign consult today! 🥳
Get in contact with us:👇🏻
☎️ (03) 9002 4060
📍 1/12 Langmore Lane Berwick, 3806


We all know that smoking is bad for your teeth but did you know the effects of vaping are the same? 😧
While some may think vaping is the healthier alternative to smoking vaping can also have a massive negative impact on your oral health!
This includes gum disease, bad breath, cavities, chips & cracks, teeth falling out and more…
Swipe right to learn about the risks vaping has to your oral health! ☝🏽
Get in contact with us:👇🏻
☎️ (03) 9002 4060
📍 1/12 Langmore Lane Berwick, 3806